Saturday, March 12, 2011

Great Test Results

Jenny is still NEGATIVE for any trace of Multiple Myeloma in her Bone Marrow and her M-Spike has dropped from .3 to .2
So, onward for 3 more months!!!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

BMB Today

Jenny had her Bone Marrow Biopsy today. It went well but she had Heather check her lungs as it is feeling like she is falling back into the pnuemonia. It probably isn't though, it is sounding like alergies. Jenny never has been alergic but this is the second year from the SCT and who knows what has changed.
I will write on the 10th, that is when we have her results back.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

A new year...

I noticed that Jenny has not updated for a while so I thought I would do one. This is Ron. Since April of 2009, there really hasn't been a lot to write about by way of the Myeloma. Jenny has picked up where she left off. Busy as ever. She has had probably 4 Bone Marrow Biopsies, and numerous blood work labs, and she has a steady .3 Mspike. Dr. Hadjenburg is please and is still watching for a change every three months.

Her next appointment is at the end of February. Thank God for Heather in his office, she is the only one that Jenny will allow to do the BMB anymore.

Jenny almost had pneumonia last month, but, since they caught it early, she just had drugs and a week in bed.

Talk to you all soon.


Saturday, December 26, 2009

Merry Christmas to you all. This has been a wonderful Christmas. I was able to sing in all four of our Christmas Eve services and all three performances of our Christmas program on the 4th and 5th. God used my testimony to lead 3 people that I know of to Christ. That makes all of this worth it. Souls rescued from hell, spending eternity in heaven with Jesus....and me!!!! I also visited a man having a stem cell transplant in the bone marrow unit of Florida Hospital, IN MY SAME ROOM!!! That was weird. He is now home recuperating. It is hard to believe that it has been 9 months since my transplant. I am doing very well. My hair has grown back, all curly. And I mean curly like a poodle. I don't care, it's hair!!! Colored hair, but hair!!! No, I thought I could do the Jamie Lee Curtis thing, but I can't. With an 11 year old, I just couldn't give in to the gray.
My energy level is back and it is very rare for me to have to stop and rest because of fatigue. We are eagerly anticipating 2010, Michael Buble in March and Chattanooga in April for a Precept Women's Conference. I have never been, after 20 years in Precept, so I am excited. I go for all of my vaccinations in April and so far, my blood work has all been normal. I love that word, normal. I even rode Thunder Mountain at Magic Kingdom. Can you believe that? I never thought that would happen. But, God is not in the expected, now is He. He always surprises me.
We hope you all have a great rest of 2009 and may the Father of all, that blessed Creator Who sent His Son to give us abundant life, WAY more than we could ever ask or think.
Thank you for your prayers, please continue. Prayer changes lives, of that I know right well.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Ron and I went to our appointment with Dr. Edwards today and speaking for myself, I was a bit anxious. Our news could truly go either way. Cancer has a mind of its own. However, the bone marrow biopsy came back zero, meaning I am in complete remission. Yes, when I told my mom I cried. I had to ask Dr. Edwards to say it again because I just couldn't believe it. I think I was afraid to believe it. God has been so good to us throughout this whole journey. I am so glad He does not show us everything He is going to do. I, for one, could not take it. So, now I wait for my hair to grow back completely. I think I am going to go for the "Jamie Lee Curtis" look.....gray and all.
So, they will follow me for the next year with blood work every 9-10 weeks and I will keep taking my anti fungal and antibiotic for another month or two and all my vaccinations in April.
Thank you for praying for us so faithfully. Please continue as I am still healing from back surgery which, I think, has taken longer than I wanted due to the stem cell transplant. My energy is getting better all the time, but I still get tired in body before I get tired in mind.

I was speaking with a fellow "stem cell transplant" patient about recovering from all this and wondering when you know if this is as good as it gets, or will it just take more time. Having pins and rods in my back from T7-T12 is a lot of hardware. When will it feel "normal" and not like hardware? The answer is, I don't know, and may never know. But, I am so grateful to be walking and cancer free and allowed to be here on this earth;to be with my husband, kids and family for a while longer. Life is so precious and we take it for granted. I have even thought that God has left me on this earth to do simple things like ride my bike behind my son and encourage him as he takes turns, slowly, and doesn't fall, help my daughter sign up for her first college classes, swim in the pool and just talk with my oldest daughter, and help my youngest daughter find dance classes that teach her how to express herself through artful worship. Maybe life is lots of little things: loving my husband by just being here, being me and being his wife and my kids' mother and my parent's daughter and brothers' sister. I pray I will take more stock of the little things life has to offer and not just look at the big things as things of worth.
I pray your life takes on special meaning for YOU and you realize how much God loves you and how YOU are a part of HIS plan, even when we don't like HIS plan. It will always be for our good and HIS glory.
Love you all and keep praying,

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Great report

We had such a great report from Dr. Hadjenberg Thursday, we had to post a new blog. He said he couldn't say cure, because there IS no cure for Multiple Myeloma yet, but it is the best possible outcome. He also said there is no reason to think the bone marrow biopsy would not come back negative in July. So, I asked him what that meant. He said they would just check me every three months with blood work. No more chemo or radiation. No, I am not cured, but God has given me more time to spend with my family and friends and people who don't know Jesus yet.
I am at day +57 from transplant and doing great. I must still watch how many people I am around at a time and I of course wash my hands all the time. I also can't be around children who have recently had any vacination because it is a live virus. My immune system is now wiped clean, so I have to be very careful.
Thank you for all the prayers and cards and meals. My family and I could not have gotten through all this without you.
I am still waiting for my hair to grow back. It is only about 1/4 " long right now, but I have a great wig which makes me feel more normal out in public. I think I hate that the most.
The next update will probably be in July when I actualy HAVE the bone marrow biopsy.
Love to you all,
Ron and Jenny

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter to you all. I am doing very well. All my blood work is going well, numbers are up, so that is just like we want it. I can't tell you how good it is to be home. We figured out that 100 days after transplant is July 4th. What an Independence Day we are going to have. I am hoping for the trifusion catheter (port) to come out the first week of May. If my blood work continues on its present course, that should be feasible. The only side effect I am continuing to experience is a bit of nausea and fatigue. Friday I was so fatigued it was hard to write and hold the phone. Can you imagine being so tired? But, Saturday was much better and today is also better. The nurse told me I should expect that because I've been through a lot and my body has to recover. I guess I do forget because I truly don't feel bad. Once my hair grows back I will be one happy camper. I told Ron I feel like an old lady with my medicine boxes filled with pills for Sunday through Saturday and I have one for morning and evening!!! Ron fills them every Sunday so I am set for the week.
We go to the doctor's office Monday and Thursday next week and then I hope it will go to once a week instead of twice. If I go out, I must wear a mask, so, the only place I go is to the doctor's office. That is supposed to be for only two weeks, so we will see what the next week brings. Hopefully I will be allowed to go out a bit more. I just don't want to push it. Infection would be a very bad thing at this point. However, I hope to be at church next Sunday.
Thank you for all your cards and prayers and words of encouragement. Keep it up!!!